CARE International report highlights most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2017

BY:Andrew Thompson
While the humanitarian crisis created by the Syrian conflict and the plight of the Rohingya Muslims fleeing Myanmar have been widely reported, many other issues received far less media attention last year. According to a new report released by CARE International — titled Suffering In Silence: The 10 most under-reported humanitarian crises of 2017 — the ongoing humanitarian crisis in North Korea received the least media attention globally, despite the heavy coverage of Pyongyang’s weapons program. “We know that a single photo can shake the world’s consciousness and galvanise the global community into taking action,” Rachel Routley from CARE Australia’s Emergency Response Unit said. Eritrea: Drought and repression More than 700,000 people are suffering from the ongoing drought, lack of food, and water shortages in the East African nation, CARE International reported. A 2015 UN human rights inquiry said the Eritrean Government may have committed crimes against humanity, describing extrajudicial killings, widespread torture, sexual slavery and enforced labour. “Half of all children in Eritrea are stunted and cannot achieve their full mental and physical potential, simply because they do not have enough food to develop and grow,” CARE International said. Eritreans are among the largest group of migrants arriving on Europe’s doorstep.