Eritrea: With Covid-19 Threat, Eritrea Should Release Political Detainees

Written by HRW

The COVID-19 pandemic poses serious risks to prisoners in Eritrea.

Unsanitary and inhumane conditions of detention in many countries place detainees at an especially high risk for contracting the disease. Human Rights Watch has documented how thousands of prisoners are held in overcrowded places of detention with inadequate food, water, and medical care. Now that Eritrea has reported its 22nd case of COVID-19, it’s time for the government to take concrete steps to ensure the safety and welfare of detainees, and notify families of their loved ones’ wellbeing. Given the current health crisis, adequate food, water, and medical care must be provided to detainees. But ultimately, the Eritrean government should grant Ciham and other prisoners – who shouldn’t have been imprisoned in the first place – unconditional release, and return them to the safety of their homes, where they can celebrate birthdays with loved ones.