Eritreans and Ethiopians executed by ISIS last week

Friends and relatives of Eritrean refugees in Libya say that Islamic State militants executed at least three Eritrean asylum seekers together with the group of Ethiopians last week. They all lived in Israel and were deported to a third country in Africa.

The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants which has been contacted by the relatives is also checking the possibility that additional Eritreans deported by Israel were also executed.

“I recognized my relative, T., from the photos published by ISIS that appeared on Facebook before the video was released,” Mesi Fashiya tole Israeli news outlet 927mag.

“I thought it was him, but then ISIS announced that it was a group of Ethiopians, so I began to look into it. The people at the Holot detention center also saw the photos — they hoped it was only photos, and that they didn’t really kill them. After they released the video there was no doubt. I couldn’t watch, but my friends in Holot did and couldn’t sleep all night.”

The UK’s Telegraph identified the person, mentioned by the Hotline only as “T” via a friend as Tesfay Kidana.

According to his friend, Tesfay’s mental state deteriorated after being sent to Holot in Israel and he eventually decided to sign a voluntary departure form and was deported to a third country to Uganda.

He then left Uganda and crossed Sudan reaching Libya, where he got on a boat to Europe that was turned back. The last thing his relative heard was that he was in a Libyan prison.

It is reported that many Eritreans in Israel have changed their Facebook profile photos to black as a sign of mourning. The community is worried about the possible ties between the Libyan authorities and ISIS. They worry that if ties do exist, this won’t be the last catastrophe of its kind, as many Eritreans who try to reach Europe do so through Libya, 927mag said.